To The Greatest Community, Upcoming 2025 Content!

As I begin to reflect on the past year, I just want to give a shout out to the great community that reads my blogs and gives me feedback for future testing. I’ve received very little compensation for the things I write in this blog, which allows it to continue to be my thoughts instead of others views.

Upcoming NEW content below, but to finish out the year.. let’s talk about you!

You’re the Best Community

Because of YOU, I’m able to continue to keep bringing you great content. THANK YOU!! It’s because of you that I can keep doing what I enjoy!

I’ve been working on a few videos and content in hopes to get it out before the end of the year. With the Holidays arriving next week.. (how did that happen?) I’m going to hold off so you all can enjoy time with your families.

BUT to give you a sneak peak, I’m going to post a few pictures from my upcoming content. But first..

The Wi-Fi Awards

As many of you know, I was recently nominated for The Wi-Fi Awards Content Contributor of the Year Award. Voting is on going until the end of the year, December 31, 2024.

I’m honored to be included on the finalist list with the likes of Troy Martin, Kjetil Hansen, Stephen Orr, and Jake Snyder. I personally could vote for any of the people on that list.

That said, I have a request. If you have found my content valuable to your understanding of Wi-Fi or Cellular or any other topic I have covered, please consider voting for me, Mark Houtz. I am deeply honored to be put on that list. This is one of the few ways that many of us receive recognition for the projects we work on and share with all of you.

I’m grateful that The Wi-Fi Awards included the text from the person who nominated me:

Mark Houtz is an amazing member of the wireless community. He is always willing to help people when they have a question around different wireless topics. His blogs, experiments and other content has been amazing for so many of us. Anytime someone asks me about CBRS/Private Cellular after giving them a high level overview I simply send them to Marks website. Mark has been a delegate for multiple Tech Field Day events and written great content as well.  Marks willingness to learn, share and help the wireless community makes him an excellent candidate for this award.

Whoever you are, although I have an idea of who it might be.., thank you for your nomination! Thank you for all your votes!! This is the best community!

Upcoming Content

So, as to not take away from your vacations and time with family.. and give me time to write some of it.. HA I’m going to hold off on my new content. Here’s a little sneak peak about what you can expect in the coming months and year..

Meter Up!

This one has been several months in the making. Meter a few months ago invited several of us to tour their facilities and hear about the new things they have been working on.. including Cellular. With a Release Date of January 2025.. expect some updated content on Cellular.

Meter Announcing Cellular

Plus go check out my interview with Anil Varanasi and Charlie Cobb direct from Meter’s offices over on my Towers Edge Youtube Channel.

Private LTE and 5G Testing at the Bonneville Salt Flats

Shortly after my trip to San Francisco, I had a road trip with a COW to lick some salt and play with Private 5G. I’ve talked about this content a few times including over at Tech Field Day’s Edge Field Day 3 event and the UEN Private LTE User Group. Add in a little Wi-Fi HaLow testing and you’ll find out how great of a field day it was.

For this content, I’m working on a video show casing the tests and results. I’ll also release a blog post to engrave the details into the internet salt mines.

WLPC Phoenix 2025

All the rage this week has been the opening of registration for WLPC Phoenix 2025. As many attendees have discovered, I’m going to be putting on my first Deep Dive in Phoenix in February. Many long time readers may have questions about a project that started this blog.. the CBRS Pi.. Well, new announcements are coming for Phoenix during a 20 minute presentation, and deeper details are in store for attendees of my Deep Dive. Here’s a sneak peak..

If you’re interested in hearing more or maybe getting your own hands on one of these devices, be sure to register for WLPC Phoenix. But hurry, registrations are filling up fast.

Comparing 5 Wi-Fi Survey Tools

As you have have heard at WLPC Prague 2024, Ferney Munoz, Zac Conder, and I recently did some testing of Hamina, Ekahau, Sidos, and Netally at a couple venues. We are digging into the data and working on a white paper to release for the community. I’m also adding a fifth tool to that list.. with a cellular twist.

Joint to that work on a white paper, I’m planning to work on some content talking about some of the experiences surveying these locations with the tools and some of the big findings in more details. Until then, go watch my presentation at WLPC Prague 2024.

Private Cellular.. It’s About Time

This is one that I’ve had on my docket for several years. I’m starting to make some progress about how to use a WLANPI for tracking time precisely. Tic, tok..

What Do Drones, Private Cellular, and Wi-Fi Have in Common?

I don’t want to give away too much on this one, you might get a sneak peak in my WLPC Phoenix presentation if you’re lucky.. but how do you take a Drone class I took at WLPC Phoenix 2023 and mix it with Private Cellular and Wi-Fi? Well, you’ll just have to wait to find out.