Category: 5G
Private 5G Security Benefits with GXC
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I had an amazing opportunity to be invited as a guest “Expert” with B2B Tech Influencer, Evan Kirstel, and Hardik Jain, CTO and Co-Founder of GXC to discuss how 5G is making trusted wireless connectivity simple. GXC is a lesser known vendor […]
5G Scanning with SCAT
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When I was at DEFCON a week an a half ago, as I talked about in my last post, I scanned carrier LTE networks at the conference as well as the Wifi networks. There wasn’t a Private LTE CBRS network being broadcast […]
CBRS + Wifi Scanning at DEFCON
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DEFCON 31 I had the privilege to attend DEFCON 31 in Las Vegas last week. DEFCON is one of the wildest and irrelevant conferences full of hackers where almost anything goes. Researchers and Hackers get together to talk about exploits and hacks […]
It’s an Edge-y NUC World
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Back in February, I was invited to be a delegate for the first Edge Field Day (EFD1) from Tech Field Day. I’m going to lump my impressions from that event together and include some sad news from the Edge world that happened […]